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Gain back control over your health. Treat disease through food

Discover the potential of food and its effects on your body. No vegetable plan but a food plan with abundant options created to fit your needs.

– Most visible result is the weight loss. I stopped waking up at night and I feel more energy. But mainly I was able to train and finish my first half marathon even without eating dairy (this recommendation was only for me). Also, I learned to rest more and not force myself into sports that are not good for me.

Markéta Ivanová

– I thought to give it a try, especially if there was a chance to get my thyroid under control. For over 15 years, the daily medication was slowly but steadily increasing. I exchanged out the dairy and took in more humus, eggs, grapes and tea. I found that my weekly 2 hour volleyball session really improved. The result was that our team moved from the usual last place in the annual Christmas championship, to achieving second place! The best news yet was that my endocrinologist lowered my dosage for the first time since I was diagnosed in 2004.

Richard Sherwood

– I had multiple issues like fatigue, stress related problems and general lack of interest in many activities I used to be involved in… I was able to know a lot about my body and relate many issues with the food I am eating. You also gave me a clue about how to manage my weight issues. I began to feel more healthy and active and full of energy.

Manar Hassan


Feel the real power of food

Natural path to health

The simplest way how to improve your health is through food. We’ll find the right way for you to feel better without chemicals and supplements.

Want to lose weight?

Finally a food plan that brings you desired results that you’re waiting for. Don’t worry, we won’t be counting the calories.

I search for the cause

9 out of 10 people use medication that doesn’t solve the cause of their sickness. Are you one of them? Drugs help us in many ways but they will not help you treat the cause of the health issue. Therefore, if you want to get rid of health problems you have to first find their source.

Unique food plan

Your food plan will consist of commonly available resources and it will change together with you.

I respect your uniqueness

Each one of us is different. We have different needs and life style. In nutrition it’s the same. Especially when we are sick. I acknowledge these differences during therapy.

I want to hear your story

Sickness often reflects even our mental distress. Stress or negative emotions affect each one of us. However, sometimes even small changes lead to big improvements.

Adolf Jána

I’ll help you to feel better again. I’m a nutritionist and follow principles of Holistic medicine. You’ll gain most from me if you feel that you want to take back control of your health but don’t know where to start. I love cooking, yoga and being with my family.

+420 602 647 661


Blog articles

Organic – is it just business or the first step to your health?

Organic food is becoming more and more popular. The sections with organic food in supermarkets grow bigger and in some countries there are even all organic […]

5 reasons why you should avoid processed foods

In my practice I mainly use foods to treat diseases. However, it is also the food, which very often cause the sickness (among other factors). Drugs […]

Eastern medicine and 4 Advantages of Elementary organ theory

In the last article I wrote about the topic of physical balance, how to achieve it and how our senses are helping us keep this balance […]

The importance of balance in an imbalanced world

In the Elementary Organ Theory the goal is to achieve balance – both spiritual and physical. In this article I would like to focus on the […]




Hummus (3+4)

Very few foods which come from the middle east are so well known like hummus. It is a perfect spread, which you can prepare very quickly […]

Finished - trhací buchta

Pull apart cinnamon bread

  Looks delicious and it is delicious! Amazing bread with cinnamon flavor, no more words needed! This is just a translation. You can find the original […]

Chickpea bread

Gram Flour Bread (3+4)

The gram flour bread is much more nutritious and has a very different taste in comparison to regular breads. I like baking it, because the preparation […]

Gram flour butter cookies (3+4)

If you like butter flavor then this is the perfect recipe for you. Common butter cookies are great but the ones from chickpea flour are even […]